We are blessed to be a blessing!

This is a truth that is truly needed in today's society. Outreach is at the heart of everything we do. Outreach can be so many things, and it's not limited to just money, though that is certainly a needed factor. Outreach is ministering to the needs of the people. It may be feeding the community, helping someone with a physical need, or even finding housing for the homeless. However, it can also be an encouraging word on the street, a revival meeting in an area that needs deliverance, praying for physical healing in someone's body, or discipling those that are still trying to find their way. All of these can be equally important, depending on the situation the individual you are ministering to is in need of. Ultimately, our true purpose on earth will always be first to honor God, and then to love and have a powerful impact on the people he created. in fact, the Word of God clearly tells us that these things go hand in hand. (Matthew 25:40)


Christian Skate Night

Bring your family, friends, coworkers, and invite everyone you know to come out for the fun night of fellowship and worship!

We are called to see the captive set free.

If you would like to give to help further our outreach ministry, you can look for the giving tab on our homepage.